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Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year resolutions

Copied and pasted from my dA

So, I figure since it's close enough to New Years, I might as well make a list of things I should do, and improve upon.
So yeahhhh...

As if I don't feel lonely and depressed enough this time of year, I should focus on things I don't do well... *angry derp face*

So, I guess one of them is to upload more here on dA. My scanner has been broken for quite some time. So maybe save up for a new scanner, or a new computer, or both...
Another is to actually get a job. A summer job would be nice, because in order to get new things, I need money, and to get money, I need to work...
Also to focus more on school, and less on my social life. Social life = stress, and I don't need that shit.
Another is to get my permit, and possible my provisional drivers liscense. I should be able to drive by now, and I already took the classes, I am just lazy and never actually remember I need to go down to the DMV and take the test to get my permit. Where is my blue card anyway?
I also need to improve my eating habits. As a lot of you know, I don't eat a lot, and when I do it is usually junk food. So maybe find some sort of healthy thing to snack on instead of a million oreos and two hundred candy bars.
So essentially my New Year resolution is to be more responsible.

Isn't that uplifting? #sarcasmsign


  1. I think it is a good idea to focus on your studies instead of your social life. Just try to surround yourself with people who treat you well. And ignore the ones who are not good to you. Please keep blogging, I enjoy reading them. :)

  2. Awww, why thank you! I'll definitely try. :D
