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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mood Ring

I found my mood ring today. Yay!

Okay, I couldn't think of a topic, so that's what I came up with. I've talked to my parents, and I might be able to see Alice in Wonderland, but when it comes out on DVD. I am disappointed, because for Christmas I got a $15 dollar gift-card for a movie theater, and I was saving it for Alice, and now I can't get it. Poo. Although, I still am happy that I have a chance to see it.

I really want to get the CD "Almost Alice". It is a compilation of multiple songs that go with Alice in Wonderland, that aren't actually in the movie, but seem to go with it. If it is at Target or something, I will bug my parents to get it. Also, I want to get the soundtrack. Really badly.

This blog is so much of an Alice in Wonderland fangirl blog it isn't even funny. I guess I need a new addiction. It will be a while until that happens.


Out-Patient isn't really that bad. Although I am getting tired of it. The stress is really getting to me. Grr. 2 Hours of school, that doesn't sound too bad, but add that with 6 hours of therapy. That is stressful.

Anyways, I haven't really talked about this with people who may be reading this, but, I am a teenager with clinical severe depression and anxiety levels that go through the roof. I am in a treatment program for this called, "Partial". It is the Out-Patient program at the hospital.

I get told I am quiet from the quiet people. Now that is a statement.

I am probably that shy girl who sits in the corner of class, that keeps to
herself. I am probably that shy girl that crushes on the popular boy that
barely knows she exists. I am me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tea-

    I'm just wondering what mood your ring says you are today. I like your poem at the end. Hope your having a good weekend. Bye- FruGal
